White Rose Historiography Series

Since 1947, the story of White Rose resistance has been narrated as semi-fictional legend. Even as primary source documents became available in 1989, would-be scholars persisted in perpetuating the myth. While working on our White Rose histories in 2000, Dr. Armin Ziegler recommended that I write a history of resistance to the true story of Resistance (Widerstand zur wahren Geschichte des Widerstands). This book - both digital download and Substack - fufills his wish.
ISBN for Substack version of this title: 978-1-956508-47-5.
ISBN for digital version (downloadable file): 978-1-956508-48-2. To be released 1/31/2025.
- History of the History of the White Rose (part 1). Why so many posts about Traute Lafrenz? Weren't there only six or so friends in the White Rose inner circle? Why should I care? (2023.04.25)
- Reviews of our White Rose histories. Our historiographies have included reviews of others' works regarding White Rose resistance. Here's what people say about OUR work. BYBO. (2023.08.31)
- 1998. Kerstin Sonnenwald, Susanne Hirzel, and an anonymous writer from Munich: Good publications that greatly added to our understanding of White Rose resistance! (2023.08.04)
- 1996-1997. Ruprecht Poensgen (Salem), Wittenstein (Memories/History Place and Shoah Foundation interview), and Hildegard Hamm-Brücher: Two very good, two... well, read on. (2023.08.02)
- 1990-1995. These six short years brought us the worst of White Rose "scholarship," along with the best (Siefken, Lill, Fürst-Ramdohr, Linder, Stadtarchiv Ulm). Which have you read? (2023.05.09)
- 1980-1989. The 1980s brought us some of the best - and the worst - publications related to White Rose resistance. The worst promoted false legends. The best preserved memories of heroes. (2023.05.03)
- 1945-1979. “One of these days, someone needs to write a history about the history of the White Rose. And the resistance to the correct telling of the resistance!” (Dr. Armin Ziegler, 2002) (2023.04.27)
- Collection of all historiography posts. This forum exists to discuss secondary source materials about White Rose resistance. Scholars, researchers, serious students, this is for you! (For paid subscribers only.) (2023.06.23)
- Thinking out loud: The ethics of scholarship. If you are researching White Rose resistance, this is a must-read post. If you enjoy reading books about White Rose resistance, this is a must-read post. (2023.09.06)