Our Newsletters

We have moved our newsletters to a Substack magazine entitled Why This Matters. This enables you, our readers, to comment and discuss immediately. Additionally, Substack does the heavy lifting and automatically emails new posts to our subscribers.

We also post links to all articles on this Web site here. The hyperlinks will take you to the Substack post. This is better organized than Substack - at least for now. So if you are interested in anniversaries, or timeline, or women of the White Rose, this page will take you to those posts more quickly.

There are three options with the Substack newsletter:

  • Free newsletter - you will receive most, but not all, posts and can comment on everything you read.
  • Paid subscribers, $5/month or $50/year.
    • Periodically, we will upload posts behind a paywall that are geared specifically to researchers and scholars interested in White Rose or other German resistance. These posts are designed to open dialog on tough issues or to pose questions regarding more esoteric aspects of the topic.
    • We will eventually to create podcasts, which will be a separate subscription. The two podcasts at the top of our list: White Rose Histories as audio books, and "Music of the White Rose."
    • Paid subscribers receive a discount to all digital publications in the Exclamation! Publishers store.
  • Foundational member - $200/year. Same as paid subscribers, plus additional discounts for all publications. 

To read free archives or to subscribe, you can follow this link to the Substack newsletter.

Note that the In Memoriam posts will be available - always free of charge - both here and on Why This Matters.
