Podcast - serialized audio book, White Rose History, Volume II

On June 4, 2024, we embarked on a (for us) new way to "publish" our White Rose histories. Starting with Volume II -- May 1, 1942-October 12, 1943 -- I am reading the entire book aloud, in ten-minute segments.

Links to each segment with short description below, in chronological order. Also noting which are available to paid subscribers only, and which are 100% free.

Segments for paid subscribers: "Storybook" or short summary of segment is always free, as is "Why This Matters." However, notes and references and comments are restricted to paid subscribers, generally scholars who want to dig deeper.

Nothing fancy. No studio, no special effects. Just me, reading words that still resonate with me (and I hope you as well) over twenty years after writing them.

If you prefer to read digital copy, you may purchase White Rose History, Volume II here, to read on your Kindle or eBook reader.

Introduction to the podcast (audio book)If I could, I would personally visit every single person who’s interested in White Rose resistance and sit at their kitchen table, telling this amazing story to them over coffee (and cake, of course). (2024.06.04) Free.

Chapters 1 - 5. May 1 - June 25, 1942.

Chapters 6 - 10. June 18 - July 23, 1942.

Chapters 11 - 15. July 23 - September 14, 1942.

Chapters 16 - 20. September 15, 1942 - 

Chapters 21 - 25

Chapters 26 - 30

Chapters 31 - 35

Chapters 36 - 40

Chapters 41 - 45

Chapters 46 - 50

Chapters 51 - 55

Chapters 56 - 60

Chapters 61 - end, with "So What!"

ISBN (digital): 978-1-956508-09-3. 891 pages. © 2002, 2005, 2007, Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Elaine Heap.
ISBN (serialized audio book): 978-1-956508-45-1. © 2024, Exclamation! Publishers and Denise Elaine Heap.

Image © 2024 Denise Elaine Heap.